SCSM cumulative updates often require all management consoles to be updated once the infrastructure servers are updated. If you have a large amount of consoles this can be tedious.
See my previous post for infrastructure upgrade steps:
With System Center Configuration Manager 2007 (SCCM 2007) the process is simple.
· Download the CU executable
· Created a Directory called Extracted
· Use 7z to extract the msp file and associated files
· In SCCM create a package and program to install (e.g. silent command: msiexec /p SCSM2010SP1_CU_KB2588492_i386_7.0.6555.128.msp /qn)
· Create a query based collection to find all SCSM installed consoles (use Workstation operating system filter)
· Create Advertisement to deploy
· Schedule the deployment after the Infrastructure update
Detailed Steps:
Create a Query Based Collection (SCSM Installed Consoles)
select * from SMS_R_System inner join SMS_G_System_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE on SMS_G_System_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE.ResourceId = SMS_R_System.ResourceId where SMS_G_System_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE.ARPDisplayName like “Microsoft System Center Service Manager SP1” and SMS_R_System.OperatingSystemNameandVersion like “Microsoft Windows NT Workstation%”
Programs and Features/Add Remove Programs Display Name.
Record the display nameUse the display name captured in Programs and Features
Click the Sunshine button (add the Workstation OS restriction)
NB: The patch is the same for the SCSM servers so prevent accidentally deploying to the management server by restricting the query to workstation OS onlyAttribute Class = System Resource | Attribute = Operating System Name and Version
Restrict to Workstation Operating Systems only to avoid updating the Servers (NB though applicable to x64 only; it is best to prevent for all scenarios)
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